Eternal Truthes Found in the Ashes

 Here is an excerpt fro-m my latest blog post I am working 

1.  The phrase "IT'S JUST STUFF" only really carries weight when it is not your stuff. And it is usually spoken by people who still have plenty of stuff. And furthermore, stuff is a relative term and can range from socks and underwear to an irreplaceable baby blanket.

2  A horrifying event such as a total loss fire can be in equal parts, completely devastating and Faith Reaffirming. There is karmic truth to the belief that the world exists in balance. Unseen and unfelt by most, but it is there and please do no doubt its presence. I know I no longer do.

3. I have discovered that just when you think you "got this" and you feel all is right again, chances are you are wrong. That is just the universe fucking with you.

But it's important to be thankful that you have made it this far, and more importantly, thank those that have helped make it possible.

4. When someone you expected to help, whether, financially or emotionally, for whatever reason does not help. Do not be angry, you do not know what they have going on in their personal life. And if they are hostile, it is most likely out a of feeling of guilt or something akin that prevents them from helping. I struggled with this more than anything. I was told the phrase one day, "you can't pour from an empty cup" and in my arrogance, I thought it applied just to me and my cup. But I was wrong. everyone has their own cup to fill before they can pour from it. (thank you Michelle H).

there are many more and i am eagerly asking for additions  via FB or my blog,


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