Summary of 2023


Thank you to Clarence,his church, Wayne Kruger and his church, Hollie Mansuer and the Church of latter Day Saints, Pat Camdenhead, , Alvino Sanchez, Peggy Wilson,Wade Driver (my father), John Driver, Collie Moye, Robbie Sparks, Dannah Terry, Shea Cheeks, Larry (from citylink), Lori Garofalo Kent Beck, and the multitudes of other people that donated. And the countless strangers. I am sure I am missing many and I apologize, my brain has long since stopped working properly. I know this is not adequate enough to convey our gratitude but it's all I have at the moment. I know most of you will never see it.

DISCLAIMER: I am in a very low point in my life and my writting reflects that. So, if you don't want to read my pity party, as it has been called to me by one of my closest and most respected family members I understand. but I know of no other outlet.  I guess I could always run screaming down the street naked. lol

2023 can go suck it. After everything that has been thrown at us this year so far,in rapid succession, the sheer fact that I get out of bed every morning, get dressed and go to work, (most times in a positive mood) should be recognized for the overwhelmingly difficult feat that it is. To put that statement into perspective,  here is a breakdown of our year.

Jan. I had just started a new job in December, things were going well, I got suspended ithout pay for 5 days at my job for an accident that was not my fault.  My van had a non working mirror which I called into dispatch and was told to drive anyway,  ended up clipping someone's mirror because I couldnt see out of my passenger side mirror.  The vans are so loud with the heater on that I didn't hear it so I did not call it in.  Official reason for suspension was "Failure to report and accident "  how can I report something I don't know happened.  [This is the 1st incident of Citylink having me drive an unsafe vehicle. 

The day I came back from suspension, I was put on suspension for another 3 days for having to take my husband to the ER. And they removed me from the CDL training program for 90 days.  I already had my learners permit. 

My mother who has Alzheimer's turned 80.  And is pissed because she thinks she's 38

Feb. Edison, one of our puppies died of parvo.Parvo.

    The 26th, was the 3 year anniversary that Abilene Vet killed my baby boy Patch.   From which I have never recovered

The jeep broke down three times, had to have my boss aguttle me back and forth to work.


Bandy died. 

3/31 our house burned down. 

Complete loss.  We lost 2 dogs and everything we owned. Also the only key we had to the jeep that was just brought home from the deslership the day before. (Cost us $450).

Apr. My husband and I, along with my mom (80 with Alzheimer's) and our EIGHT dogs that survived spent the next two weeks in hotels while I tried to get my mom placed in a care facility.  We lived out in the county with land and it's all paid off, but the home owners had lapsed so I needed somewhere safe for mom while we stayed to rebuild.

Our last night in the hotel, my mom opened the door for the maid when we were out looking for a RV and two of our dogs bit the manager and had to go to the dog jail for 10 days. (Cost us $230) and my mom had to sleep one night in the tent because that was a Sunday and I didn't get her placed until Monday..

During these first two week there was some pretty intense family drama caused by my brothers ex that nearly torn our family apart. I am not going into details but it was horrible and soul crushing. 

Thr jeep finally died for good and we had to buy a new vehicle (Cost us $8000)

Once mom was placed Harry and I, and our EIGHT  dogs, set up our tent on the property. I had envisioned this as a romantic adventure. My expectations were woefully high.  It was a shit show wraped up in a ball of chaos.  We upgrade a little each week, air mattress, to cot,  to real mattress etc. But we live across the street from the wind farm and the third storm we that came tore the tent in two so we had to make a mad dash and get in to the workshop.  Which is just a 12×24 corrugated steel building that was partially floored.

The workshop leaked, isn't insulated, doesn't have electricity and the rattle Snakes live under the floating floor. Oh, and when it rains it floods.

May At this point we still have no electricity or water because the utilities have been pulled. 

We went almost 3 months living on a generator. And went over 4 months with no water. EVERYDAY, we had to go to 7-11 and fill up our 20+jugs of water. Go to a truck stop to shower ($18) or a friends. And don't get me started on laundry. The workshop was manageable until the heatwave hit, then when it was over 100 degrees inside was too much.  

Jun Fortunately a friend of my father's donated us a travel tralier, so that's what we are in now.

We are still on our land so every morning,the first thing I see is the ruins of my life.  Anyone who says it's just stuff clearly has never lost everything single thing they ever owned all at once. It's a feeling I can never describe  I can still feel the physical weight of that loss and the visual reminder of it everyday is too much to bear 

Also during all this time:

Ace and Arrow died in the fire

Kit Kat and Kaboddle died in the fire

Fanny had puppies

Finally found my friend carl, and his in a nursing home and had been for over 8 years.  A true loss as he was a member of mensa and his mind is all jumbled now. The world is less because of it.

Breaks went out

Had to put mom in a nursing home 

Husband had to have surgery

I had an abscess that won't go away. on antibiotic number 3

Always out of money and having to borrow  then being asked why do I still need money???

Being messed with at work

T***y tried to steel mom twice

Probation for a bounced check for $200 that is 4 years old. now I have to pay $1700. all because I missed one $25 payment after the fire and they did away with the payment plan.  now I have to pay $278 a month.  if I didn't have $25 then why would I have $278. Abilene logic at its best.

Heawave. (+menopause hotflash)

I was forced to take 2 weeks off because I was mentally unstable due to the trauma from the fire***see below as as I will be fired for this very same reason. 

Tax lein on land. resolved thanks to Dad

Harry lost his license because we didn't have the 750 to pay off his traffic ticket.  this is literally all that stopping him form going back to driving CDL OTR.

Aug fired from citylink for refusing to drive while mentally unstable.  with the exception of HR and my family, I was told I did the right thing. was even advised to get a lawyer. like I have the money for that.   I guess the city is okay with someone who is unbalanced due to trauma driving other humans around town. safety be damned. ****

Did not meet income level for unemployment

Arrested for terroristic threats for joking stating that I wanted to murder my brother.  The cop was laughing as he arrested me.  I know this will hinder my job search.

Sep.The car we got april blew its engine, so we gave it back and are stranded again.

Oct Thanks to my father we were able to get a new car which allowed me to start work at Crackerbarrel.  

Nov Frontier Motors scammed us and invented a second down-payment after we had the car for a few weeks and when I told them I would be in on Saturday to pay, the repossessed the car on Thursday,  3 hours before my shift.  so. now I have been hitchhiking the 10 miles (1 way) until today when someone man tried to grab me.  I will not hitchhike again.  when I called work no one offered to come get me or even ask of I was okay.  just wanted to know if I'd be there tonorrow. So my safety is of little consequence I guess.

If you haven't lived this you will never know how taxing it is.  My toilet was a bucket for over 4 months or hot water since March.

my mom and me before Alzheimer's stole her.
my mom at the home I had to leave her at.



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