
So, I was feeling quite confident after sucessfully logging back onto my page to create a new post for my blog. I got to the page on the first try, remembered my login/password, used the correct browser... I was ready to start patting myself on the back! (Back note- I am currenlty using an old decrepid Ipad, first generation, that takes at the very least 30 seconds to load a page. It took 24 hours to fully charge - but it's the iPad or iPhone, and neither a desirable device for this endeavor!😕) HOWEVER, with the exception of the title, I cannot see the text as I type - only when I go to preview the post. So I am back to using the phone. It is worth mentioning that there are FOUR other computers in my home, all unuseable for different reasons. Two tower PC's one is just straight possessed, I honestly cannot think of another way to describe it. It will run random programs, never the one I am trying to use. The other PC has serious registry issues after my brother in law used it.🤬 My laptop, also old but at one point worked great although it weighs about 15lbs. Battery won't charge, freezes and is linked to my fathers microsoft account. We would both agree, I am sure, that it would be most unwise to get our account mixed together, I can think of a litany of problems that could arise!!! And if I try to bring up my account -nothing works. I think it misses my father who gave it to me and is not so subtely suggesting I send it home. I haven't had the heart to break the news to it, that it was replaced long ago by a newer, faster and sleeker model. It would crush it's spirits. Lastly, the one working computer is my work computer, which I cannot use for personal use. And as I anticipate many future post that I will prefer my employer to not easily read, this is a rule that I will choose to adhere to. The good news is that Santa (Dad) is giving me a new laptop for Christmas. YAY!!! 🤗 It will be delivered 12/15, but I am under STRICT orders that I cannot open until Christmas. Potential success of this is currently at 93%. The bad news (or good depending on your perspective) is that all the technology frustrations have caused me to utterly lose my train if thought for what I was intending to post. I am confident though, that it would of been witty and hilarious. I will most likely wake up at 3am when it pops into my head and entireky takes over. It was NOT about the 76 empty boxes that I will be posting about eventually. I will wait for my new computer before I write about that - as I am 100% positive that I will still be obsessing over that baffelling explination even then. Stay tuned.


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