Anecdotes of Alzheimer’s Antics - Table of Contents


My philosophy to an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. 
I believe a person has two options. 
Choose to laugh or choose to cry.
Although both options have merit, I choose laughter. Every Time.

I decided to create a table of contents for the volumes in this series, Anecdotes of Alzheimer’s Antics. I will confess, that this is purely self-serving in that it allows me to list everything I deem worthy on some comedic level while keeping some semblance of a timeline. Also, it allows me to go back and memorialize my mother's moments of mayhem. 

Let us all hope for the best 

I ALSO WELCOME AND ENCOURAGE, any suggestions or stories that I have left out. This is primarily directed at my immediate family but by no means limited to them.  you can put them in the comments or message me or write your own post if you are interested. I feel time slipping from us.

The two biggest lessons I have learned this year are 

1.  Don't rely on just your memory. Write it down. Capture your recollections  Be cognizant and aware of all that you cherish, Memories are valuable but they will fail.  Your mindful reflections and nostalgia just might one day be the comfort someone desperately needs. 

2. Alzheimer's and Time are the right and left hands of the devil and how badly I wish to amputate them. They take everything you hold dear and make you watch it happen.

Please understand that this is list is subject to change without advance notice, as is everything else in my life.

Volume I - Overlooked Absurdities - published

Volume II - Walmart Wacko Wildness - in final review

Volume III - Driving  (back seat) 

Volume IV - Needled - vaccine / MRI

Volume V - Storms / telephone calls

Volume VI - I think my _____ is broken

Volume VII - I Don't Know


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