My mother - a 2020 Hall of Fame Inductee


My mother leads such a rich and interesting life this post only merely scratches the surface.  I have so many more stories to tell but lack the energy and inspiration currently to do them any justice. However, this award had to be shown off to the world so everyone can see what an extraordinary life she has led and all the contributions she has made to the world of dance. She was a true pioneer in her industry and the recognition is long overdue. Thank you to whomever it was that nominated her.
I have included just a few news articles I came across, but like I said, I intend to do a much more in-depth post. God knows she deserves it. I love you, Mom!


(From the Texas Clogging Council website)
Gloria Driver Emmert

She learned to clog from "Big John Walters" a
square dance caller from Alabama. In those days
area clogging and square dancing were all in one.
Gloria and her husband at the time, Wade Driver
also a square dance caller, moved to Houston, TX in
1975 and started Rhythm Cloggers, which is still
going strong under the direction of David and
Glenda Latchaw. Gloria is credited as the first to
bring clogging to the Great State of Texas and as
we all know "the rest is history"

(From the History of Clogging)
During the late 1970s, a new means of clogging expression began to gain popularity — the line dance. Propelled by the catchy beat of country and pop tunes, teachers such as Tandy Barrett and JoAnn Gibbs of Georgia, Gloria Driver of Texas, Lucy Johnson of California and others wrote sequences of steps to accompany phrases of a popular tune. These strings of steps were performed to a particular song, with step cues prompting the dancers through each section. Also during this time, the Green Grass Cloggers were formed in North Carolina. The group combined old-time steps with high kicks to create a uniquely stylized clogging form that endures today.

(I honestly cannot remember the name of this publication but it was lengthy and there are both my parents on this page)

More to come as I recover lost footage.



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